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Ender 3 Pro - Conversion or Something Else?


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After abusing (400hrs printing Voron nonstop) then neglecting (gathering dust in the corner). I need want to give my Ender 3 a bit of attention, maybe not right now, but at some point... considering options.

  1. Leave it alone, just general maintenance/lubrication. But also put klipper on, because I can't go back.
  2. Tweak/upgrade but keep *mostly* ender 3. Swap to klipper, change toolhead and extruder, etc. Not sure I'd go all the way to linear rails or not.
  3. Convert it to a Voron Switchwire. Siboor Kit ~$340 USD.
  4. Ender 3 NG ~$150- Reuses almost all of the ender 3 but converts it to CoreXY. Kind of the most interesting imo. But looks like the next update should simplify the BOM and add enclosure.

I'm sure there are other options out there. This is just kinda the progression of my thoughts of what to do with it. Outside of "do nothing".


What has everyone done with theirs?

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I did some upgrades to my E3V2 before deciding to build my vorons, and have had similar thoughts. I originally swapped to an E3D V6, 5015 cooling fan, pei plate, klipper, and some other small mods. Klipper alone makes a big difference once you do input shaper, and I've now got an M4 extruder but need to adjust it a bit. I think I will ultimately sell mine as I didn't use it for over a year when I built my vorons (needed the pi during the shortages) and didn't really miss it. It's perfectly capable and was actually really great for my first printer, but I have a V0 and a 350 V2 now and I'm looking at a micron for a mid-size third printer rather than a bed slinger.

Maybe start with small upgrades (hotend, fans, etc) that will stay no matter what else you decide to change. Definitely go klipper.

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17 hours ago, zav3nd said:

What has everyone done with theirs?

Ender 3 v2: After being on a list of to do for over two years to convert to a an Enderwire - I gave it away to a friend two months ago. I know he will appreciate and use it, else it will be gathering dust for another two years. (Highly modded already - Raspi pi 3B, SKR mini, Waveshare4,3"screen, Linear Rails and dual Z, Ikea lack enclosure).

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On 4/12/2024 at 1:08 PM, MrSprinklz said:

Definitely go klipper.

Yeah I should probably just get on that then see if I want to take it any further. But I also haven't turned it on in a while. Did you put klipper on with a creality board or did you get a BTT?


On 4/12/2024 at 2:58 PM, mvdveer said:

After being on a list of to do for over two years to convert to a an Enderwire

Yeah cost wise it seems like a Switchwire Kit would be the route I would take.

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5 hours ago, zav3nd said:

Did you put klipper on with a creality board or did you get a BTT?

No I put in a SKR Mini E3 v2. Would not recommend this board though as it notoriously had a problem with the built in stepper drivers. Don't know what the SKR Mini V3 is like.

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22 hours ago, zav3nd said:

Yeah I should probably just get on that then see if I want to take it any further. But I also haven't turned it on in a while. Did you put klipper on with a creality board or did you get a BTT?

I think I used the Creality board to start, but upgraded to the SKR Mini E3V3 for reasons I no longer remember 😅 I have had no problems so far with the SKR

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Started down the road of klipper on the ender. I have a Creality 4.2.7 board. Figured I'd try klippain, and by the time I finally got it to install and couldn't find a premade config for it I realized I don't want to go down that road. But it also seems to assume you are already running klipper so flipping between docs for the install didn't help me. (I went in expecting even easier to install 🤷‍♂️)


Couple hours later, the klipper cfg for the board is pretty bare, I've got it all not completely error-ed out and just started working my way through the BLtouch documentation z keeps showing as triggered. The pi for that printer must be just on the very edge of wifi because everything takes twice as long. May have to get ethernet run to printers someday, or a router closer. Will have to get bed mesh and start/end macros in the cfg too. And I should probably get it cleaned up a little before I go too crazy...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I had it running the next day or two after that last post. I also did get a router into the same room so wifi doesn't cut out. I installed all the electronics into its own box, its close to what I want but not quite there (also printed 2 sets of tpu feet for it then had a heatbrake clog and switched back to abs on the Trident). The electronics box I printed doesn't quite leave enough room in my opinion, I may reprint and move it to this instead.


I soldered in a buck converter for the Pi and pulled power off the PSU, then ran off a Voron Cube, but it shakes the shelf enough to mess up the trident's Z Tilt and Mesh. So next step is to anchor the shelf to the wall. It also stays powered off because the hotend fan runs full out 24/7 and isn't quiet (probably should've went BTT SKR instead).


 Still have to figure out a new enclosure for it before I can get much use out of it. (also put new textured pei on it instead of flat glass).

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20 hours ago, hypercore said:

For less than the price of a switch wire kit you can convert your Ender 3 to the Ender 3 NG project. I strongly vouch for it as the design is excellent, it has a coreXY structure, and has a strong community behind it.

Yeah I'm holding out until the next release for the simplified BOM.


Have you built one?

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5 minutes ago, zav3nd said:

Yeah I'm holding out until the next release for the simplified BOM.

Have you built one?

I’m currently building a V1 version with a triple Z mod. Frame’s done, and I just need to add motors, belt, and electronics.

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  • 7 months later...

Sorry to revive this ancient post, but I am a new member and had to comment.

I have a rpi running klipper on an E3S1Pro. I printed a modified cooler from online with 5015 fans and added a CHT nozzle. Added big rubber feet.

Just those mods alone get 4500 accels with ~150mms reliable print speed. It has become my primary PLA and PETG printer.

Got a new Voron Trident 300 next to it, but the E3S1 keeps going. Has been very reliable once tuned.

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