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Printer table


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Curious as to what those in the community use for a printer table. Right now I use an IKEA lack, which is basically pressed saw dust and cardboard. I was wanting to get a more sturdy (metal?) table.

What do y’all use?  Where did you purchase it?

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On 3/28/2024 at 2:07 PM, Brystro said:


What do y’all use? Where did you purchase it?

In Australia we have a hardware store called Bunnings. Purchased 2 metal workshop benches with 30mm MDF top. Houses 3 big printers (350mm builds) each. Been working ok so far.

image.png.b2e7766bfd9308f7ef6e6515fc4d4871.png  (900x1500x540mm)


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In the US there's a standard paver block that's perfect for a V2.4 300mm. I use it with a set of cinder blocks for support. There's no joinery and none really seems to be needed. Those parts are gut-bustingly heavy and make for a very stable platform. (You can see there's a Lack table peeking out at the rear, but that's just for the ERCF.)


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I'm debating getting one of these:


That way all the "printer" stuff stays in an area instead of spread out.

Also filament drawers: https://www.printables.com/model/788433-modular-filament-drawer-system

Not that I have nearly that amount of filament.

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If you want to stay with IKEA Lack, you can use one of these or even both combined:



Currently I’m using the small ones with a 2.4 300 and already printed the others too. So far, just the smaller ones working fine enough.

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Just to share a very simple but obvious idea - I use a restaurant table, which you can buy from your local store, where you can acquire stuff for your garden or any other local furniture store. In my case I use a table designed for interactive cafe table project which didn't go well, but I know in my proximity many companies, where one can find cafe table at any test... A leg in my case hasn't been chosen it is a legacy of another project, but the table works quite well and approved by my wife :).

The enclosure has been developed exactly for sizes of the table.

Another possibility - you can purchase just a leg for such a table at your preference and cut a wood panel for the table, like a top for kitchen table. IN this case you can have a table at exact sizes which suits you well. In Switzerland we can order such custom table top at hornbach.ch or in jumbo.ch. By visiting those links you can get an idea where you can find elements you might need for your table.

Finally, I am curious why we didn't embed printers electronics in such tables? My table has specific space inside for electronics and I plan to do such adaptation when I build my new printer.

Hope it helps, Vlad.      

My 3D Printer Table.jpg

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For those who is interesting, the original table project (with integrated touch screen) was like it is presented on pictures. For printer, I just ordered an HPL top cover cut and put the printer on top of it. With resonance calibration, the table is in a bit of movement when the printer is actively Y-moving, but not much...

24inches screen centered project 2013-07-11 001.JPG

24inches screen centered project 2013-07-11 024.JPG

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