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Micron 180 Build


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I have evil plans to convince my employer that we need a small printer for rapid prototyping and as a backup if/when our Modix Big-60 is out of service (like it is right now). They are fine with kit builds as evidenced by the Modix, why not a Micron+?


So I've started (and sort of finished) printing the parts already, as well as ordered a hardware kit from West3D since I needed heatsets and various screws for other prints anyway. Polymaker Yellow and Black ABS, planning on a red frame! BTW, at $35, the Micron+ hardware kit is an excellent variety hardware kit. I may get one for home as spare V0 screws. I printed Mini SB before thinking it would be cool to try Dragonburner, so I have both printed now. I also printed Boop, G2SA, and G2Z parts because why not. Also shown are top handles and Micron BZI. I printed R1 gantry parts that will need to be reprinted before I actually start building because HartK has updated about 5 times since I printed them. R1 gantry flips the z chain behind the rear gantry beam which prevents umbilical/chain tangles. Also includes customized BFI which is very cool.


Skirts with G2Z modified pieces and 4.3 waveshare parts. 


3DPF Filter is basically a nevermore for Micron.


Plan is to get a West3D kit configured for the options I mentioned above (G2SA, G2Z, Red Frame, DB, Boop) and go CAN bus right away, but it will probably be a little while before I can order and start assembling. 

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  • 5 months later...

West3D kit has been ordered, but with some changes! I'm going with Space Grey frame, Leviathan board, G2SA extruder with either Dragonburner or Archetype Blackbird, Beacon, and Nitehawk36. I need a full reprint of everything, probably going with Ambrosia ASA in Sparkle Black and Sparkle Red with maybe some Yellow thrown in as well.

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