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Rapido Plus 2 UHF power via Bed out.

Titus A Duxass

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So I bit the bullet this morning and ordered a Rapido Plus 2 UHF for my 2.4.

Whilst looking for the STLs for the modified cowling I came across a discussion about powering the hot end via the bed out on the mainboard (in my case an M8P v1.1).

I am running an EBB36 but, due to a failure on the EBB36, I have the thermistor connected to the M8P (yes I know this kind of negates the point of the Canbus but needs must). I suspect that the EBB36 expereinced a heat induced failure. There is no active cooling on the EBB36 and it is very close to the Orbiter v2 which runs quite hot, this heat combined with the needs of the hotend could be the cause of failure.

So I will have use the same hybrid setup for the Rapido, my concern is the that current(I) requirements of the Rapido hotend might be too much for the EBB36.  The idea of using the M8P bed out does not sound daft. The bed heater on the 2.4 is fed via the SSR which does not need much power to trigger it and could be trigger by using the M8P hotend feed.

Ladies & Gentlemen my questions are:

1. is it feasibleß

2. is it necessary?

3. am I worrying too much about the EBB36?






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2 hours ago, Titus A Duxass said:

current(I) requirements of the Rapido hotend might be too much for the EBB36. 

It is not.

The rapido can safely be run from a can toolhead pcb.

Output current up to 5A

This is more than the max current draw the rapido has(4-4.5)

If you have already a defective toolhead, consider buying a new one. 

I can buy a btt sb2209 or a mellow sb2209 for 30€. While a thermistor for a rapido costs 15€.


That answers your question regarding necessary... And if you worry too much about ebb36.


It is feasible. Look for ldo rapido SSR and you will see that LDO recommends connecting the rapido to the SSR. 

If you want to, go ahead.


In case you haven't found it yet... The UHF SB parts are here and here.



I have used a rapido 1 UHF  connected to the original heater out pin of first a spider 3.0 and later to an octopus 1.01 for several hundred hours the last 6 months without any problems.


Edited by Dirk
Answered questions. Shared own experience.
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34 minutes ago, Dirk said:

It is not.

The rapido can safely be run from a can toolhead pcb.

Output current up to 5A

In case you haven't found it yet... The UHF SB parts are here and here.

Thanks Dirk.

Now that I know that I'll stick with EBB36.

I have an SB2209 in my spares stash, I may fit it when I upgrade the hotend.

Are those UHF SB parts compatible with the Rapido UHF 2 hotends?

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The problem with the 2 part hartk like boards( also the mellow and btt ones) is they are not compatible with orbiter 1.5&2. Unless you have the mirrirrored orbiter. 

Those UHF stls were the only ones when I used them 6 months back, Before rapido 2.0 came out.

But if you read the description, they are both updated for v2.0.

So yes. The second one even recommends you use the first one 🙂


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Sorry. You are right. They reference rc2. And a newer version, which is 2years old. So must be the same I did print.

The voron design team updated their got repository 4 months ago to include a toolhead for rapido2. There was no announcement on the update.

I printed the v 2. I did not see any real changes. I asked the trianglelab sales on AliExpress, they say they just made modifications to wiring / thermistor and the heater. Nothing to the outsides. He said all that fits V1, should fit V2. 

I would say... Print out and compare ( or look at the cads if you have experience with that)

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5 minutes ago, Dirk said:

Thanks Dirk.

I did a search but somehow didn't find them.

They've been added to tomorrow's list of print jobs.

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