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Hello from the South East (US)!


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Hey all,

Stumbled on this site looking for build and mod info. I'm currently planning for a Trident build (Formbot) and have been gathering as much info as I can before starting off. So, I'm happy to be here!

I have never built a Voron, however, I have a Core XY'd E3v2 (lol), and it's been a blast (ironically I've remixed some Voron parts to work with this build). I've always wanted to go the Voron route, so I'm finally pulling the trigger.

Happy printing!

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19 hours ago, mvdveer said:

Welcome to the forum. Once you start, consider a build diary please. 

Thanks! Once I get rolling, I absolutely will!

18 hours ago, PFarm said:

Welcome to the forum! You've modded your present printer, you'll fit into this group just fine 🙂

Thank you! Yea, I've had lots of fun putting this thing together, modding, tuning, creating slicer and filament profiles, and it's been quite the printer since. I just love the irony of converting an E3 😆 However, I'm super excited to add a Voron to the group. 

2 hours ago, claudermilk said:

Welcome to the forum!

Thank you! Happy to be here.


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