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Hello from the SF Bay Area


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Greetings Programs!

I am working on a new Voron 2.4 r2 (pro?) 350 printer, an upgrade from my very old Ultimaker Original+. I bought that printer as a kit at a Bay Area Maker Faire. It was a straight forward build. Tried the duel print-head upgrade (without success), but eventually added the heated print bed. For the most part was happy with it. Other than having to clear the occasional stuck filament, is was the print speed that caused a mental block from printing more ambitious projects. It is time for a bigger and faster printer...

I decided on the Voron 2.4 based on an article in Make Magazine about speed demons. I bought my kit from Formbot. My 3D parts from Etsy. Changed my mind on colors and bought a second set of 3D parts from Etsy (the 2nd set has come in handy after I broke a couple parts). Been working on it off and on since Oct 2023. I am at the point of hanging the electronics.

And this is were I am starting to trip over differences from the Voron instructions and what is actually "in the box" from Formbot. YouTube tutorials have been helpful, yet they are different too. I've been reading between the lines and have gotten further along. Luckily I have found this site. I hope I will find the details to fill in the gaps to complete the build without breaking or frying anything.

I have big plans for this printer once it is done. So do my co-workers and my kids ( I swear the queue grows weekly - LoL ). I am going to hand down my old Ultimaker to a co-worker.

I hope to learn a lot, and at the same time be able to share what I know to help the community!

[ I was stumped for a user name - decided to use part of my tiki bar name  🧉 ]

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Welcome to the forum - glad to have you on board. 

1 hour ago, fred_mo_printer said:

I hope I will find the details to fill in the gaps to complete the build without breaking or frying anything.

Lots of very knowledgeable people around. And they are always happy to help. Let's get the printer done.


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