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BIQU Microprobe


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2 hours ago, YaaJ said:

Reworked STEP files, combining the drawings in the user manual, and measurements on the probe

Thanks for helping me validate my mockup! (mine in blue, yours in black) I didn't think to look for their GitHub so I just used calipers and the line drawings in the manual..


In the Mini Stealth downloads I have MicroProbe x-frame pieces if you want to borrow some geometry. I guess you'd like to add heat-set inserts of course..


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  • 2 weeks later...

First tests with the Biqu Microprobe as a Z probe, on the bed with no steelsheet ; on the bed protective film. Best results I ever got (BLTouch 2, BLTouch 3, TouchMi, 3D Probe, Klicky with various switches)

With 32 microsteps :

 15:36:43  // PROBE_ACCURACY at X:175.000 Y:175.000 Z:3.995 (samples=10 retract=2.000 speed=5.0 lift_speed=5.0)
15:36:45  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.992500
15:36:47  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:48  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:49  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:50  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.995000
15:36:51  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.995000
15:36:52  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.995000
15:36:54  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.996250
15:36:55  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.996250
15:36:56  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:56  // probe accuracy results: maximum 1.996250, minimum 1.992500, range 0.003750, average 1.994500, median 1.994375, standard deviation 0.001146

This one is crazy :

 15:35:54  // PROBE_ACCURACY at X:175.000 Y:175.000 Z:3.991 (samples=10 retract=2.000 speed=5.0 lift_speed=5.0)
15:35:56  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:35:57  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:35:58  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:35:59  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:01  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:02  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:03  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:04  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:05  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:06  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.993750
15:36:06  // probe accuracy results: maximum 1.993750, minimum 1.993750, range 0.000000, average 1.993750, median 1.993750, standard deviation 0.000000

With 128 microsteps :

 15:45:39  // PROBE_ACCURACY at X:175.000 Y:175.000 Z:3.975 (samples=10 retract=2.000 speed=5.0 lift_speed=5.0)
15:45:41  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.971250
15:45:42  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.972500
15:45:44  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.971562
15:45:45  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.971562
15:45:46  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.973125
15:45:47  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.971562
15:45:48  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.973437
15:45:49  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.971875
15:45:51  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.972812
15:45:52  // probe at 175.000,175.000 is z=1.972187
15:45:52  // probe accuracy results: maximum 1.973437, minimum 1.971250, range 0.002187, average 1.972187, median 1.972031, standard deviation 0.000713

Ordered a second one, that I'll try to use upside down as a nozzle probe for auto Z offset. (already have a set of macros I wrote for the bed slinger and its BLTouch - worked perfectly when swapping toolheads)

Of course, microns make no sense at all, but the probe triggers after the same motors rotation count (or very near to).

This device probably is among the best on the market. Of course, no idea how it will behave at chamber temperature after heat soaling. Was having some (rare) problems with the BLTouch (spec 40°C or 45°C max, currently using it up to 55°C...)

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