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Klippain - The pain-free recipe for (french)bread and butter Klipper configuration!


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Thought it was time to expand my knowledge in the field of 3d printing and do some reading on macro creation, when I came across this. May be helpful for those first time builders having trouble configuring their machines. Have not used it myself, but from what I read, it seems quite innovative. Planning to use this on the current Trident 300mm build. 


I realise by using this I won't expand my knowledge on macro creation but I see it as a stepping stone towards that journey.

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Thanks for sharing, I have saved for future..

I too want to drastically expand my knowledge of Klipper, ive always taken others work and with a lot of trial and error got macros, etc to work, to the point I'm happy with the set up I have for my basic CR-10 Smart Pro... but I want to go Corexy (prob simplecore due to cost) and i want to build the config, etc more or less from scratch to really learn and understand how Klipper, Moonraker, etc works and work together.. 

If you come across any more useful resources please do share 😊

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Went ahead and installed this on the newly finished Trident build. A few thoughts:

1. It is NOT plug and play - you will need some knowledge of how klipper works.

2. You will need to have your motors, thermistors, heaters and fans plugged in to the board,  match the supplied board configurations. (e.g on an Octopus board - B motor = M0, A motor = M1, etc).  If not, you will need to know how to change this. And you will need to know where to look for these (see point 6)

These changes are entered and saved in the overrides.cfg file. 

3. The only files you can edit yourself are: mcu.cfg, overides.cfg and variables.cfg. All other files are read only and it is not recommended to make any changes to those.

4. All the supplied macros are excellent, though not all are activated. The macros in the calibration folder for example are not available by default. These either need to be copied to your own file and then [include <your file name.cfg>] in the overrides.cfg file.

5. In my case, the SAVE_CONFIG command to save the Z-Offset or PID settings as an example does not work as you would expect. It came up with an error as the supplied printer.cfg file does not have this values stored in the actual file, but in files included with the [include ...] section.


I manually added these values in the overides.cfg file, but direct messaged the author on discord to clarify if this is required after each adjustment. Have not heard back yet but update this post once I do.

6. It can be difficult finding sections in the multitude of supplied files to check for specifics, example what is the alias for FAN0 on the octopus board, what is Z-motor defined as and to what does the alias correspond. However, I soon figured this out and is now easier to find the information.

7. Running the Belt tension and input shaper macros were straight forward and the graphs are calculated and saved for interpretation. During the manual process of input shaping, these graphs would be saved to the tmp folder of the root directory.

~/klipper/scripts/calibrate_shaper.py /tmp/resonances_x_*.csv -o /tmp/shaper_calibrate_x.png
~/klipper/scripts/calibrate_shaper.py /tmp/resonances_y_*.csv -o /tmp/shaper_calibrate_y.png

In klippain these are saved to the pi/home/config/adxl* folder




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@mvdveer A suggestion or two... 

SSH into your RPi and chown the folder it installs to with the user you run klipper as.. And then chmod the folder recursively to get rid of the read-only problems... Here are the commands if needed:


sudo chown -rf pi:pi ~/printer_data/config
sudo chmod -rf 0755 ~/printer_data/config

Not sure if they need to be executable, if not you could just as well use "0644" in the chmod statement.

That will clear up a couple of the issues you mentioned above, and who actually obeys the "do not change" any more, LOL

Edited by cjkennedy72
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Well ran into another problem - tried to print a basic 20x20 cube - what a disaster.(looked like a brittle print)  First thought it was wet filament (dried it for 48hours in a eSun dry box at 50C) Did not fix the issue, only realised the problem when l I moved the Z-axis and realised it moved only half the distance I requested.

Turns out the include section in klippain that I chose for the trident was incorrect.  Even though I build 10 Voron's now, I was unaware of the trident designations of TR8X8 and TR8x4.

In the printer.cfg file, I choose the first one available without thinking - Trident TR8x8. This set the rotation distance to 8, resulting in TERRIBLE prints.  Changed this to TR8x4 with a rotation distance of 4 and a much improved print.

# [include config/hardware/axis/Z/Trident_TR8x8_1.8deg.cfg]
[include config/hardware/axis/Z/Trident_TR8x4_1.8deg.cfg]

As I said - Klippain is not for a noob.


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