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Hi All,

I've been 3d printing for over a year now started with an Ender 3 and did quite a few mods to it. I now have an Ender 6 which I'm slowly modding into a trident. I'm currently running the following mods:

SKR2 board
Linear Rails mgn9s for y mgn12 for x (using a linear rail mod I found on cults)
Stealthburner (rapido UHF)
BTT U2C usb to CAN board
BTT eb sb2209 CAN toolhead board
BTT smart filament sensor
BTT Pitft50 with klipperscreen
Klicky probe
Pei sheet

I'm currently sourcing and printing the parts for the final full conversion.






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12 hours ago, AkinBlack said:

Cool. Do you have a link to the mod you have for the bed? Im looking at modifying my ender 6 and like the look of the setup you have.

It's not a mod it's the trident z axis only change was slightly longer 2020 extrusions to mount the bed. The only modded parts needed for this is the 2040 gantry brackets and the 2040 z motor mounts. The rest of the printed parts are from the trident. 

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