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Files for 2040/4040 builds? Any interest?


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I’ve not seen these anywhere else.  

I have all the files specifically the AB drives, XY joints and front idlers where you can upgrade your 2020 extrusion for the vertical and top posts to either 2040 or even 4040. 

the 2040 is just in general a solid upgrade as it reduces the vertical posts ability to flex and bed.  

the 4040 is just for making larger machines such as a 500x500.

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Hi there.   I know this thread is old but I wanted to know how you made out with this and if all your files are still available?  I downloaded your A/B motor mounts already that you posted. 

I currently have an old decommissioned C-Bot that I used to build my current 2.4 a couple years ago. It’s built mainly from 2040.  Figured I might be able to make some sort of Trident like machine from it. Researching that is how I found this thread.  


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So with all my pondering with how I could do this, I was lazy and never actually looked at the Trident CAD model until this morning. I'm thinking it could easily ('ish) be done simply by letting the extra 20mm of the 2040 extend to the left and right of the unit and the verticals would need to be 200mm longer, that way all existing printed parts could be utilized, skirts included. No need to reinvent the wheel. Obviously the gantry pieces, at least the x-axis and the rear horizontal, would still need to be 2020. This would however require a bit of creativity for mounting the left and right panels as the verticals would now stick out 20mm further than the top and bottom horizontals. A fair tradeoff for not having to redesign parts or mess with the motion system. I imagine that this would increase the frame rigidity considerably as well.

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Aye your right but I have a ez bake in mind with double t5 4040 corner extrusions. That way you can make a doom style printer.

In my case I would build 2020 doors that have 5mm mdf plates that covered with some insulation patches and a front door with 2 3mm clear view panels or a 4mm float glass.

Would be rigid and also I could use all "usual parts"

Only thing in that project would be the x extrision (but I prefer the 2020 one cause it's stiff).


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Hey guys...

Not only smaller extrusions (15x15) (Printers for Ants) is a whole branch of hyped voron inspired printers on itself,

but also the bigger extrusions (40x40) is a whole hype: https://github.com/FrankenVoron/DoomCube-2/blob/main/README.md


They are both represented on their own discord server. So check it out I would say if you are into modding and hot upgrades...

Edited by Dirk
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Did all ready ask in the ZeroG and Franken voron discord.

The response was "none"

I'm pretty much interested into the ZeroG one with threaded Z.

But I need to rebuild the dimensions of the ender 5 plus for that with the 4040 and 2040 ones. As far as I know the komplette dimensions of the extrusions for x y z I can make them in my company and finish off the frame. I have electronics spare laying around for another 2 Printers if I like but the Switchwire and maybe a ZeroG is enough. I just want to have a RRF Printer and a Klipper one. Can't hurt to know both systems.

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