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Rock 4 Pi C+


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Got the Rock 4 C+ and I can state that it does not boot mainsailos. When I have time will play around to see if I can get klipper installed. According to the website there are only 3 "official" images to install. Installed Debian 11 desktop but could not ssh or FTP into the board "Connection refused"

Seems this won't a board to use as an alternative the Raspi or Manta boards. Will keep playing when I have more time.



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When you tried to SSH did it refuse the connection "instantly" or make you hang over for a while? Latter means nothing listening, and former means the port is firewalled (and dropping the connection in the bit-bucket).

You can use "sudo systemctl status ssh" to check if the openssh daemon is running. Since "systemctl" is a privileged command you need to run it with root-level permissions (thus the "sudo" part).

For example:

sauron@XPS-15-7590:~$ sudo systemctl status ssh
● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-04-19 16:05:58 BST; 1 day 15h ago
       Docs: man:sshd(8)
   Main PID: 1588 (sshd)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 37958)
     Memory: 2.3M
        CPU: 16ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/ssh.service
             └─1588 "sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd -D [listener] 0 of 10-100 startups"

Apr 19 16:05:58 XPS-15-7590 systemd[1]: Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...
Apr 19 16:05:58 XPS-15-7590 sshd[1588]: Server listening on port 22.
Apr 19 16:05:58 XPS-15-7590 sshd[1588]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Apr 19 16:05:58 XPS-15-7590 systemd[1]: Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server.

The key thing above is the "Active: active" line, if it said something like "dead" then it means the SSH daemon is not running or if it grumbled something about "unit ssh: service could not be found." then the SSH daemon is not even installed.

Might not be a lost cause. If it runs Linux it can run Klipper (in some way)

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I guess the  limiter to which things it can run will be what ever boot-loader setup that it has (rather than OS/distro per se). So something like MainSailOS will target PI hardware so if this boards bootloader arrangment is different (which it most certainly will) arbitrary images provided by others will not work.

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32 minutes ago, smirk said:

I guess the  limiter to which things it can run will be what ever boot-loader setup that it has (rather than OS/distro per se). So something like MainSailOS will target PI hardware so if this boards bootloader arrangment is different (which it most certainly will) arbitrary images provided by others will not work.

Very true. Manged to install the Ubuntu server image and had no problem ssh - ing into the device. Funny how accustomed we get to "know hardware" Here I thought a quick "sudo raspi-config" is going to get me to enter the wireless SSID and password 🤣. The server edition has no WPA-Supplicant.conf file but does have the service installed. Can see the wifi - "wlan0" Created a wpa_supplicant.conf file with the SSID name and password,


Tried to start the service:

sudo wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -i wlan0

but failed,

Then tried command line after deleting the above wpa_supplicant.conf file:

wpa_passphrase "WiFiname" "wifi-passphrase" | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
wpa_passphrase WiFiname wifi-passphrase | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

without luck - as as my password for the wifi is something like this  "wifipwd20!+?"  and ubuntu complains it can not find process  !+?.

Oh the joys.

Not important though, just testing and fooling around with the board.

Mainly posted to warn users not to purchase for 3d printing unless they are really proficient in linux. (Which I am not)

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3 hours ago, mvdveer said:


While  you're at it if you want to post your bank card details, mother maiden name.....I can help you!


Yuu need to "escape" the special characters in *NIX.

If you use the string wifipwd20\!\+\?

The backslash character will tell it to "literally" interpret the character (you need it for things like "spaces" as well since they're significant in *nix when you're dealing with windoze file names)

Don't put quotes around it (depending on the shell) that could interfere with the meaning of the backslashes.


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17 minutes ago, smirk said:

While  you're at it if you want to post your bank card details, mother maiden name.....I can help you!

Not even close to the real password, just an example. Sorry!

But here are my bank details:

Bank Name: Bank of smirk

Account BSB: sim-irk

ACC # smirkkrims

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Seems normal Linux processes for setting up wifi via command line does not work for this board and the ‘official’ server image.

‘Found this link for setup of wifi.

Will give this a go


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24 minutes ago, mvdveer said:

Seems normal Linux processes for setting up wifi via command line does not work for this board and the ‘official’ server image.

To be fair no sane person would try and connect a server via WIFI 🤪

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10 hours ago, mvdveer said:

Seems normal Linux processes for setting up wifi via command line does not work for this board and the ‘official’ server image.

‘Found this link for setup of wifi.

Will give this a go

Awesome find thanks for the link I have four OrangePi running Ubuntu Server. I'll give it a go when I setup my next OrangePi.

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20 hours ago, mvdveer said:

By now you should know I am not sane. 🧐

I think we can grant you the title of "lovable eccentric", after all with all those PIs to your name you're far too rich to be plain-old "mad".

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On 4/23/2023 at 2:23 AM, smirk said:

I think we can grant you the title of "lovable eccentric", after all with all those PIs to your name you're far too rich to be plain-old "mad".

How many more titles can one man Aquire?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hi all,

not sure if any of you managed to resolve this but I got this working as part of a project to put klipper on an old ultimaker 2.

Debian 11 bullseye works, then I just installed klipper and mainsaiil using Kiauh. The only problem I had during install was getting the wifi sorted, but the link PFarm added works fine.

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