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Hello from UK, Northamptonshire.


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Hi, been 3d printing since 2016, started with a CR10 which has overtime been heavily modified. Used to have it in an enclosure, but it now mostly used for Petg/ pla prototyping so it just sits on the bench.

Couple of other bed slingers, decided I’d build a Voron, so parts on the way.

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Welcome aboard! You have followed a very well worn path to Voron-ownership 🙂. I will ask the #1 question when we hear someone is building a voron: "would you consider running a build diary?" We love seeing other builds and it's a great way to interact. The #2 quesiton is: "What mods you planning on?". After that,any question goes 😉

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Welcome to the forum! The standard suggestions have been made, so I'll refrain.

Seeing the struggles with CAN bus, I'm not convinced it's the way to go unless you specifically want to play with it and try to get it working. If you just want a printer that works I would personally stay well away right now.

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5 hours ago, claudermilk said:

it's the way to go unless you specifically want to play with it and try to get it working.

The more of us that do it, the easier it will become. We learn from our own and other's mistakes. Knowledge is power, but gaining it is so frustrating at times.

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