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Start Macro




I was wondering if anyone had a good macro for a start purge line? I have been working with mine and can't seem to get it to heat up, quad gantry level, then bed mesh all at the right temperatures. I have a Voron 2.4 with 350 mm sized bed. If anyone has a good one along with what you put into the slicer (super slicer) to get them to communicate well with each other I would be very grateful. Thanks!


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@Penatr8tor pulled the prime blob/prime line routines from the ratrig klipper macros, the PRIME_BLOB macro produces a nice "Hersheys Kiss" type of blob.  Rather than duplicate the uploaded macro's file, here's a link to the post. Not being experienced with the 2.4 I couldn't really reliably comment on your heat soak, QGL, mesh issues 😞

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5 hours ago, Wardad5 said:

I was wondering if anyone had a good macro for a start purge line?

Here is some simple gcode adapted a little from the standard Prusa prime line. You can modify the X/Y coordinates as needed.

[gcode_macro _PRINT_START]
    M117 Priming ...
    G1 X2.0 Y8.0 F18000            ; go to edge of bed
    G1 Z0.2 F5000                      ; lower nozzle
    G92 E0.0                               ; reset extruder position
    G1 X50.0 E8.0 F1000.0          ; start intro line
    G1 X90.0 E9.0 F1000.0          ; finish thicker
    G92 E0.0
    M117 Printing ...                      ; display message

Like @smirk, I am at a loss with the 2.4 specifics like heat soak and QGL.

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8 hours ago, Wardad5 said:


I was wondering if anyone had a good macro for a start purge line? I have been working with mine and can't seem to get it to heat up, quad gantry level, then bed mesh all at the right temperatures. I have a Voron 2.4 with 350 mm sized bed. If anyone has a good one along with what you put into the slicer (super slicer) to get them to communicate well with each other I would be very grateful. Thanks!

This is my start macro :

[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
    STATUS_READY                       #LED Status Color
    G90      #Absolute positioning
    STATUS_HOMING                      #LED Status Color
    M117 Homing...
    STATUS_LEVELING                    #LED Status Color
    M117 Leveling .....
    STATUS_CLEANING                    #LED Status Color
    M117 Clean nozzle ......
    CLEAN_NOZZLE                       # Calls the Nozzle cleaning macro
    STATUS_HEATING                     #LED Status Color
    M117 Heating bed ......
    M140 S{params.BED_TEMP}
    M190 S{params.BED_TEMP}
    M109 S100
    M117 Leveling Gantry ........
    STATUS_LEVELING                   #LED Status Color
    STATUS_MESHING                    #LED Status Color
    M117 Loading Mesh ........
    G0 X150 Y150 Z30 F3600
    STATUS_HEATING                   #LED Status Color
    M117 Heating Toolhead
    M104 S{params.TOOL_TEMP}
    M109 S{params.TOOL_TEMP}

### Start of the PRIME LINE ROUTINE ###########     
    M117 Prime Line ..........
    G92 E0.0            #reset extruder distance position
    G1 X10 Y10 Z0.3 F3000       #move to prime line position
    G1 X60 E10.0 F1000  #intro line
    G1 X200 E30 F500   # intro line
    G92 E0.0      #reset extruder distance position
    M117 Starting Print .......
    STATUS_PRINTING                                #LED Status Color

and supersclicer custom g-code:

M140 S0
PRINT_START tool_temp=[first_layer_temperature] bed_temp=[first_layer_bed_temperature]

Hope this helps

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@claudermilk After your recommendation I've been trying that KAMP seting (rather than getting on with my build). Wow! It's brilliant. I'm really pleased with the results and the great purge line (way better than the simple line of string that I had before). Ever day is a school day! Many thanks.

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12 hours ago, Wardad5 said:

Any idea why that might be the case?

Make sure that the update has not disabled the object exclude stuff. Especially the line in the moonraker.conf file:

enable_object_processing: True

Without object_processing being enabled it will definitely probe the entire bed.

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