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Ender 3 Pro Switchwire Conversion


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GitHub user "walttriano" created a great repo with a guide and all teh parts necessary to upgrade an Ender3 Pro to a Switchwire. While it is not a true Switchwire, and MAY not qualify for a serial, the prints it is able to produce are very close in quality and could be a great upgrade path for those who have a Ender3 Pro, or are looking for another project to take on.


The Official GitHub Repo can be found here... https://github.com/walttriano/Ender_3Pro_Switchwire

Have you done this upgrade? What are you thoughts or feedback?


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I started converting a "basket case" Ender 3 Pro found on ebay about a year ago.  I went through several different design changes along the way.  I started with a Taichi dual bowden hotend and two M4 extruders.  I later gave up on the idea of the dual material as the Taichi kept jamming in the heat break.  I think it was defective.  I switched to an E3D Voron Revo hotend and a Galileo 2 extruder, then added the E3D PZ probe to replace the inductive probe.  I was using a Mello Fly SB2040 toolhead CAN board.  It worked great, until it didn't.  Now Klipper can't find the CAN bus connection.  It wasn't the cable, I replaced that.  It might be a SW problem, or the USB-CAN board, or the SB2040 may have croked.  I will either switch to an LDO Nighthawk board, or just use the hawk toolhead board and hook everything up to the SKR Mini MCU.  In that case, I'll have to add a Klipper expansion MCU for the extra two fans I have, and a chamber temp thermistor.  Finally, I think I'll add an M.2 to USB adapter with a 128gb M.2 SSD for some more gcode storage.  Also have a Pi-cam I can add, and a Nevermore air filter.  Ya know, it might have been cheaper to get a REAL switchwire kit, or maybe even a Trident kit.  

For my next insanity, I'm thinking of a dual X gantry IDEX moded trident with dual internal spool storage, a bit deeper and maybe wider than a stock 250mm trident.  I would copy the look of the new Prusa Core One, with inspiration from the dueling dragon from printers for ants.

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