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Voron Trident F624ZZ Mod v. 1.0.0

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About This File

Since I couldn't find any F695 where I live, I had to mod the gantry to support F624ZZ bearings instead


there are two major difference between F695 and F624 bearings but for mos parts they are identical in dimentions:

1- Inner hole of F695 is 5mm but inner hole of F624 is 4mm

2- Total width of F695 is 4mm but for F624 is 5mm


To fix these two differences we need to:

1- Use modified STLs provided with this mod

2- Use 4 M4x40 SHCS screws instead of 4 M5x40 SHCS in gantry

3- Use 4 M4x30 BHCS screw instead of 4 M5x30 BHCS in gantry

4- Use 8 M4 nut instead of 8 M5 nut in gantry


I've added small lips to prints themselves so you won't need any washer or shim for most parts, just in AB drive where four bearings are stacked on one screw between each set you'll need one or two M4 washer or shim...

I strongly suggest you use intended F695 bearings but if you are desperate like me, try this mod. I haven't had any problem with it so far. good luck


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