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Black Wallpaper / Theme for KlipperScreen v. 1.0.0

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About This File

Inspired by @ken226 I looked into the Themes and started tuning, added another background that quite dark so it doesn't make the text unreadable.

Also did some tuning in the CSS, so for this theme the green switch sliders are light grey (I coudnt stand it) and the color under the main buttons are not orange but light grey.

So yes, this theme is very monochrome...  but very readable.

If you want other colors let me know, I will make a light blue one after this, and I will call it babyblue 😛 

Just unzip the file and drop the folder into your /home/pi/KlipperScreen/styles folder. Then select it on your touchscreen under --> Configurations -->Settings --> Icon Themes


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