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Voron 01 Extruder temp problem


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I had this problem for the 1st time about a year ago.  During printing with my Voron 01 the extruder temp reading would fluctuate wildly causing a forced shut down.  I redid PID tuning, which went smoothly, then looked for but did not find any indications of loose connections.  When I tried printing again I had the same problem.  I then replaced the temp sensor, did another PID and its worked well until today.  I haven't used the printer in several months for various reasons and I'm having the same problems again.  I have attached a few graphs for review.  I plan to look again for connection problems, loose things and the like.

In addition I'm hoping someone else has had this type of problem and can provide some advice.

Thanks in advance for any help,

Ken O.

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Hi! I've had this problem on a couple of printers, most commonly when using an E2D revo hotend. E3D said in the photos I submitted for a warranty claim that the blue thermistor wire had frayed and combined with a non factory plug turned it down. My local vendor stepped up and sorted it out though. IMHO that jagged temp graph is showing an erroneous thermistor resistance reading. The cause is tricky, especially since you've already tried replacing the temperature sensor. Could there be a bad crimp? An unstable canbus? Is the sensor wire rubbing on the xy joint while printing? Did you bend a revo wire guide to make it fit better? Is it stable if you heat it and leave it at temp but not printing? Could you post some pictures of your hotend and wiring right through to the main board? Is this a kit build?

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Thinks for the replay.  When I replaced the thermistor I checked all the connections.  One thing that has been consistent between this occurrence and the last time it happened it seems to only happen during movement of the print head.  This leads me to think in terms of a connection problem or a wire rubbing somewhere but for the life of me I cannot find such a problem.  Connection of the hotend assembly is with a PCB Umbilical sourced from KB3. The hotend is is a Phantus Dragon HF with a diamond nozzle.  For the pics I loosened the retaining set screw for the thermistor and pulled it out partially to show the wires better and to check if it was loose...it was not.

I have rechecked connections and for good measure reversed the connecting wire from the PCB to the Mainboard...you never know...lol  Will put back together and try again.

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I have the same issue.

Replace thermistor once, and my next step is replace the toolhead. I will install one dragon burner, with all new, and test it.

I do my cable, and the printer has almost 500 hours of printing, but only now this happen.

I checked my cables, and there is connectivity, so not a broken wire.

I was curious when I saw your post.

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Removed the current thermistor and replaced with another same make and model HT NTC100K 1.2mm blue made in China (came as a 3-pack), of course cannot remember where I ordered it from.  This one has a long lead and I ran it directly to the mainboard.  Will reinstall through the Umbilical setup and see if the problem returns.  The 1st three starts are reaching temp, homing, then throwing a "move out of range" error.  Tried homing and restarting print but keep it up until a did a firmware reset.  I'll keep everyone posted.

2024-12-12 13.17.03.jpg

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OK... hooked up the thermistor thru the Umbilical and was able to print but there were small variations in the temp curve, not enough to initiate a failure but they were there none the less.  Returning to a direct connection to the mainboard the temp curve is smooth.  Given that the problem occurs mostly during actual printing I'm sure the problem is in the wiring harness of the Umbilical.   Just going to leave it connected directly for now.

Thanks for all the help and interest.

Ken O.

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12 minutes ago, kenjesse_75 said:

OK... hooked up the thermistor thru the Umbilical and was able to print but there were small variations in the temp curve, not enough to initiate a failure but they were there none the less.  Returning to a direct connection to the mainboard the temp curve is smooth.  Given that the problem occurs mostly during actual printing I'm sure the problem is in the wiring harness of the Umbilical.   Just going to leave it connected directly for now.

Thanks for all the help and interest.

Ken O.

Or the toolhead board.

Already think about toolhead board issues.

The cables are good and none of the wires are broke.




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Mine has a similar plug on the ends of the umbilical and over time it slowly starts to unplug itself at the back of the printer. Perhaps it's a point of failure for this otherwise very handy design. Ebb36 has worked very reliably on another printer but then you have the CAN to set up. I understand some people aren't keen.

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At one point when fighting a weird intermittent issue on my V0 I ended up pushing each wire connection pin on the umbilical to toolhead PCB connector with a small probe and one or two of them turned out to be slightly loose. That cleared up the problem. That connector needs to be very firmly--but carefully--pressed home to ensure a good connection.

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