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nevermore mini with waveshare rp2040 screen klipper help


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good morning gents.


so im dumb and always bite off more than i can chew.


i started a nevermore mini build (https://www.printables.com/model/757663-nevermore-mini-3d-printer-hepa-and-carbon-air-filt) and bought the bluerolls kits with the rp 2040 screen and sensors (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006629609486.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.4612jvwljvwlTW&algo_pvid=65c1fd89-ca29-4304-ba8a-686a73de0b6b&algo_exp_id=65c1fd89-ca29-4304-ba8a-686a73de0b6b-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis!CAD!36.59!36.59!!!26.24!26.24!%402103094c17267481922548076e078e!12000037870011461!sea!CA!4505800783!ACX&curPageLogUid=1zH5BqzyXzER&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A)


got all the wiring and printing done and got the u2f onto the screen (rp 2040)


i was following this guide (https://github.com/SanaaHamel/nevermore-controller) however it specifies pi pico w (too dumb to know if that matters)


then when copying:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/SanaaHamel/nevermore-controller
cd nevermore-controller

i get this:
ERROR: Invalid requirement: 'bleak>=0.21.1<1': Expected end or semicolon (after version specifier)
~~~~~~~~^ (from line 1 of /home/biqu/nevermore-controller/klipper/requirements.txt)

this is swahili to me.

mainsail is now throwing an error stating nothing is named "bleak"

anyone know of a different guide for this combo or how to solve this?

any help would be appreciated.

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It looks to me like you have a syntax error in your requirements.txt file.

CoPilot Ai had this to say about it...


The error you’re encountering is due to an incorrect version specifier format. In Python’s requirements.txt file, each package version specifier must be properly formatted to avoid syntax errors.

Here’s how you can fix it:

Correct the Version Specifier: The correct format should use a comma to separate version constraints.

For example:







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thank you sir.


and now I'm gonna show my ass...


how exactly do i do that haha. I'm terrible at Linux.

i saw on the GitHub there is a pull request to correct this error however it has not yet been addressed. they show it in the exact same way.

thank you in advance

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2 hours ago, nvanstaden said:

how exactly do i do that haha. I'm terrible at Linux.

You're not the only one LOL.

If it were me I'd locate the directory where the requirements.txt is located and I'd edit it with nano

sudo nano requirements.txt

Then I'd scroll down to the line and add the comma (,) between 1 and <1.

Then save and exit and reboot and see if it got fixed.

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I can’t say I know a tremendous amount about these things, however this video inspired me (I hope your German is up to par, I had to use subtitles)

And his website is what I used to get me going. I used a Waveshare RP2040 off amazon and used the one of the 3 optional firmwares at the bottom depending on the look you want. Drag and drop. https://book.cryd.de/books/klipper/page/youtube-nevermore-controller
I hope that helps

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thanks hwun. i did source from this. i managed to fix the txt file only to realize that i dont have bluetooth on the cb1/mantam4p. the klipper (nevermore.py) part is written for only bluetooth. so im kind of screwed. ive asked around to see if i can find someone that did it via usb instead but no luck so far. also exploring option for a bluetooth dongle on the m4p but god linux is complicated. its akin to a horse carriage tech working on a mercedes for me.

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Yeah that’s gonna be a tough challenge for sure. USB seems totally logical but sadly, it’s not and even the type-c on the manta is power only and simply used for programming. You can try…

Maybe hooking it into the GPIO pins? No idea of that even a legit suggestion or not.

I was disappointed there was no Bluetooth in my m8p as well, so I hear ya. However, another option is to use the nevermore filter as is, except controlling the fan by the m4p separately to turn on when you want (heated bed or chamber specific temp, whatever) or just operate it manually, as a separate system as is. 
Why work on a Mercedes when you could work on a bmw? 

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mercedes, bmw, same retarded fasteners. i really wanted the thing to work through the sensors though. dont care much for the screen. i have absolutely no clue of how the gpio pins work. for the klipper controlled i guess you would register it as a fan and then put a condition on it right?

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I totally understand the comparison, bad joke. 
The gpio pins are the series of, I don’t know, 40 or 20(?) pins all lined up, just like a raspberry pi and is what is directly connecting to your cm1 on the m4p. They are assignable, just like a fan connector on your m4p. 
But yes, that is exactly right, your easiest approach is 1 fan controlled by Klipper, to come on when and how you want, and the fan located in the nevermore. My thought is to have it come on after a certain bed temp then simply use the rp2040 screen as a monitor only. Keep in mind though, if you have in fact fixed that file, the rp2040 should control the fan once you hook it up, therefore controlling it as desired. Do I have that correct?

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wait. you wanna tell me that it will work standalone without being conncted via bluetooth/usb to the rpi/cb1?

so i would only supply power through a pin or fan port once a certain condition is met, the screen would then turn on and run the fan according to the sensors?


also last question then ill bury myself in wires again. according to this drawing: https://media.printables.com/media/comment_images/81/67a7fd-2d35-4027-a338-0919b259aee1/thumbs/inside/1920x1440/jpg/nevermore_controller_wiring.webp


is the sgp 40 and bme 280 connected in series?

Edited by nvanstaden
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Yes, it works standalone without being connected. According to the link, at the bottom “USB C - IN” (which is in a remote location or the bottom of the nevermore, you only have power and ground going in so it’s designed to work alone, in the printer, in the bathroom, on the go, (infomercial voice) wherever! Then that gives power through usb c on the rp2040 and that’s it, it’s simple. The catch is that it looks like the fan just turns on when powered, no conditions like with Klipper and the sensors simply report their findings and display that on screen.

Does that mean you can send 5v from your board to a usb c cable you made to power it on when you want? Maybe, haven’t tried that, testing would be needed for that with an accepted risk that something might happen that’s bad. But I can’t see how. 

The sgp40 and bme280 are connected technically in parallel but I think I know what you mean. The “GPIO” pins (you are gonna learn to love this soon) are connected to:

5, to pin 2 GND

6, to pin 1 3.3v 

7, to pin 4 both marked SDA

8, to pin 3 both marked SCL

—don’t use pin 2, I think it’s 5v

Anyone that has info on this, please feel free to correct this info. 

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and so his worldview shattered along with his corporeal form, floating away like dust in the wind. mother******. i thought klipper was controlling it from the cb1. wow i really made an ass of myself. thank you very much for the crayon eating terms. i do appreciate it. i will try and operate it as discussed and send feedback. i thought the rp2040 screen was just an intermediary to translate the signals from the sensors. man i was depressed about this. thanks really. you are a gentleman and a scholar.

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Haha still laughing at your “worldview”. 
But seriously, it’s totally fine. The little 2040’s are awesome and I have just been learning about them myself, so I’m literally in the same boat you are, but have done a little extra reading about it. The super cool thing though, is that you CAN connect it to your manta as an option. That way, you always have the voc reading as well as automated fan control so your not listening to the fans while your working on it or whatever. 
You probably don’t need this, however lemme know if you want some ideas with setting up a fan to do that. It’s pretty minimal tbh. Everyone knows how  safe and smart it is to copy someone else’s settings, what could possibly go wrong? 😂 

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