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Moonraker error... What should I try?


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Yesterday I had a brown out or quick on-off power cycle at my house right in the middle of a print. It was enough to stop the print.

Printer is a RatRig V-Core 3.1 running RatOS 2.1 (Klipper)

This is what happens when I power/boot up (looking at the klipperscreen).

Lights, fans, etc turn on and the typical boot text scrolls up the screen then I get to the klipperscreen and it tries to load moonraker. After 4 tries I get a "can't to connect" error with a "Retry ->" button. I try again and everything boots up as per usual with one exception, the camera. When I test the camera, I get a can't connect error.

I removed the SD card and created an image of it so I could potentially re-flash with the old if I screw things up.

Here's a video of bootup


And here's the camera error.


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Agree that something got corrupted. There's a feature built into RatOS that lets me restore moonraker or do a factory reset. I have to do a bit of research before I go clicking stuff not knowing what its going to do beforehand. I will report back...


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1 hour ago, 5twenty said:

Good luck, when I implement "restore" in software it was usually asked for, and the caveat was always that the user "backup" first. I always suggested an auto-backup but was always dismissed. (guess what? they always wanted it afterwards).

I'm of the opinion that that option requires action beforehand - as in you might have had to backup first.

Yup, I share that same opinion.

RatOS is a very different animal than Voron Klipper. I mean not that it uses different commands rather, it's highly optimized for specific hardware and uses a lot of lock read-only config files. On my Vorons I would probably SSH into the Pi and use Kiauh to remove and re-install moonraker (at least I think you can install/uninstall it with Kiauh). 

Right now the printer prints fine and having a webcam or lack thereof is really just a convenience item. Once I get back from Florida in a few weeks, I'll do a deep dive and get this resolved and TBH, it's not really that difficult to reload RatOS from scratch. Just weighing options at this point.

Thanks for the help tho @5twenty. Appreciate it. 👍

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