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Klicky probe to canbus U2C connection?


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I assume it would be in the "probe" port (Purple on the left). You can always look in your printer.cfg file under the [probe] section to see which pin is defined and then work back from there.

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Look at your config files for the printer, klicky or for the ebb42.  One of the will tell you where the probe went to.  Also is the connector a JST connector (like the motor connector) or a DuPont connector (just fits over the pins).  A JST connector would go in the endstop port and the DuPont on the probe pins

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I looked at the config for the btt ebb board and the pin location is PB8.  That is presumably the top pin of the probe section in purple above, although in that graphic its labeled GND. There are a black and red wire in the wiring harness for the probe. I plugged it in so that the black wire was in ground and the red wire was on the pin below (+5V).  When I ran the probe, it shut down the board.  Swing and a miss.  Other suggestions? 

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14 hours ago, BrentW said:

The Klicky probe 2-wire harness on the tool head came unplugged from the canbus U2C adapter board (pics below).  Where does it plug back in?

I'm going to give you a little background first so that you understand what's going on. You might know this already but, I don't know what you know so I'll be more detailed than usual.

The Klicky Probe, Like the X and Y endstops is just a simple momentary switch. Momentary switches are only active when held. The moment you let go, the switch is de-activated. These switches can be connected either NO or NC (normally open or closed). What that means is that when the switch is not activated, the circuit is either open or closed. On a Voron or other printer, all endstop switches, if wired correctly, are NC or normally closed. So, for example, if a light bulb was connected to an NC switch it would be "on" all the time and bulb would be lit. When you press the switch, it would turn off. Common sense would probably cause one to think that this is really dumb, why would you want that? Here's why they appear to be hooked up backwards... If the circuit was normally open and one of the wires became unplugged or broken... the printer wouldn't be able to tell that anything was disconnected because an open circuit and a disconnected wire are both open circuits. If you were to home the printer with the broken circuit, once the toolhead moved and the switch was activated, the controller would never get a signal that it hit the switch, and the motors would still be on and moving until you ran over and hit the emergency stop button. However, if it's wired NC, normally closed, and a wire breaks or becomes disconnected... the endstop is detected as triggered and the printer will not home until the break is repaired. So, yes, it's backwards. Backwards for safety.

As you already know, the klicky is a stowable probe and literally just an NC switch connected to two magnets, and this creates a unique problem. When the klicky is "stowed" and not connected to the printhead, the circuit is open (triggered). When it's attached the circuit is closed and the klicky operates as an NC switch, just like the X and Y endstops. 

Re-Connecting to your CAN board:

Since the klicky is just a switch, it only needs two wires and you don't have to worry about polarity. The only thing that you need to worry about is power. Do not connect the wires to power. What you will need to connect the wires to is ground (GND) and one of the addressable pins. The problem is... you don't know which pins it was connected to because the dupont connector used to connect to the header pins on the board is not keyed like the JST connector for the motor so, here's what you do...

Open up you printer.cfg in mainsail and find the "Z Stepper" configuration and look for the last line I have in the code below. Since you have a CAN board it might be in a section specific to the CAN board.

#   Z Stepper Settings

## Z0 Stepper - Front Left
##  Connected to MOTOR_2
##  Endstop connected to DIAG_2
step_pin: PF11
dir_pin: PG3
enable_pin: !PG5
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 32
endstop_pin: PG10 #klicky endstop pin

The line you want is "endstop_pin: PG10" and your endstop pin is going to be either PA5 or PA4. I got those designators from the image of your CAN board you posted, from the 5 pin "magenta" probe connector. You need one gnd pin and one addressable pin. If I were to guess, you just need to plug it so that the two bottom pins, PA5 and GND are connected but, since that connector also has power on it... it would be wise to double check. That's why we're hunting down the "endstop_pin: xxxx" line in the printer.cfg and confirming. I have a feeling yours with be "endstop_pin: PA5"

Obviously, all plugging and unplugging happens with the power off and unplugged for safety.

Once you've confirmed.

Test the endstop.

With the printer turned on, manually attach the klicky to the printhead and find something to put under it that's tall enough to press the switch on the klicky and go to the "machine" section of mainsail. Look for the "Endstops" window and click the little refresh circle button thingy. Endstops X & Y should be green and "Open" and Z should be red and "Triggered". Next remove the blocks or whatever you had to press and hold the switch and refresh. Your endstops should look like the image below. Next, manually remove the klicky and put it back in the dock. Go back and refresh one last time. The screen should be exactly like the first screen, X & Y open Z triggered. Z is always triggered when the klicky is not connected to the printhead. This is normal.


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18 minutes ago, BrentW said:

I looked at the config for the btt ebb board and the pin location is PB8.  That is presumably the top pin of the probe section in purple above, although in that graphic its labeled GND. There are a black and red wire in the wiring harness for the probe. I plugged it in so that the black wire was in ground and the red wire was on the pin below (+5V).  When I ran the probe, it shut down the board.  Swing and a miss.  Other suggestions? 

Looking at the Pinots for the Ebb42 pb8 is the rx of the canbus.  Could it be that it’s PA5?  Does your connector look like the one I attached to this post (if it attached)?  I’m guessing that the 2 wires for that is also right next to each other so if you rotate the connector and put the 2 wires closest to the endprobe connector you should be fixed.


Edited by RJMessing
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12 minutes ago, RJMessing said:

Looking at the Pinots for the Ebb42 pb8 is the rx of the canbus.  Could it be that it’s PA5?  Does your connector look like the one I attached to this post (if it attached)?  I’m guessing that the 2 wires for that is also right next to each other so if you rotate the connector and put the 2 wires closest to the endprobe connector you should be fixed.


Yup, Found the exact same thing.

@BrentW Try connecting it to the GND & PA5 pins.

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8 minutes ago, BrentW said:

Well, my endstop is also set at PG10.  Screenshots of the printer and can board cfg files.

The Z-Endstop goes to your main board so its configured to what that board has for inputs.  Looking at the pinout pic you posted that's either a different board or an older pinout.  I posted the current EBB42 board pinout.  What you have is correct in that it is PB8. 

EBB42 CAN V1.1&V1.2-PIN.png

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