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Klippy not Connecting


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Yes, yes I did. I had a feeling something would blow up.

So Moonraker changed something un the [update_manager] section. Mine just had refresh_interval set and channel set. It didn't like that, so I went in to edit it & the web interface wouldn't save. I SSH'ed in and tried via nano and got a useful error message: volume full. So I removed a bunch of old gcode files and went to edit again. Now it's wiped out my moonraker.conf file; fortunately I have backups, so copied my backup data in. That should have fixed it, but no.

At this point, I have my old moonraker.conf with all the update_manager sections commented out. I've rebooted the Pi a few times. Looking at the moonraker.log file it's showing the old file data with the old update_manager information. Why? How do I get it to look at the updated file? 

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On 8/2/2024 at 12:50 AM, claudermilk said:

At this point, I have my old moonraker.conf with all the update_manager sections commented out. I've rebooted the Pi a few times. Looking at the moonraker.log file it's showing the old file data with the old update_manager information. Why? How do I get it to look at the updated file? 

Wish I could help. Just had a read through the latest  moonraker configuration documentation  (as you no doubly would have done) and found this section in the Changeling.



install: The MOONRAKER_FORCE_DEFAULTS environment variable has changed to MOONRAKER_FORCE_SYSTEM_INSTALL.

update_manager: It is now required that an application be "allowed" for Moonraker to restart it after an update.
update_manager: Git repo validation no longer requires a match for the remote URL and/or branch.
update_manager: Fixed potential security vulnerabilities in web type updates. This change adds a validation step to the install, front-end developers may refer to the configuration documentation for details.
update_manager: The env option for the git_repo type has been deprecated, new configurations should use the virtualenv option.
update_manager: The install_script option for the git_repo has been deprecated, new configurations should use the system_dependencies option.
update_manager: APIs that return status report additional fields. See the API Documentation for details.


I just did an update and compared the config files before and after the update and could not see any changes in the body of the files

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Dealing with the update manager part was probably easy, but I ran into that space issue. I think what the real problem now is that for some reason the old, broken version on moonraker.conf is cached somewhere and it's refusing to read the new file. Again, I've commented out all of the update_manager section to try and just get it to start up. But it doesn't, and looking at the moonraker.log it's showing the old, uncommented config file. I'm afraid I might need to reinstall from scratch. Again. I'm going to poke around in KIAUH first. 🤞

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@claudermilk This probably sounds really dumb but... You have powered off and powered back on, right? Just saying this because things that are cached in memory get wiped, cached on disk, not so much.

Ignore me if I'm being a dummy. 🤪

plus... I'm one of those people that leave things running.

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8 hours ago, claudermilk said:

I'm afraid I might need to reinstall from scratch.

Try uninstalling mainsail and KIAUH and then reinstalling rather than a fresh install of everything. 

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I'll give that a shot.

At least I've been able to update & rebuild my mesh wifi here. My old Orbi system was progressively failing (all satellites died); Netgear's solution was to sell me extended coverage that cost more than a new system. So I'm now on a shiny new TP-Link Deco. Changeover was easy with replicating the SSID & password--most devices haven't noticed the difference aside from a brief service outage. So one tech challenge conquered.

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Yeah, the Orbi was great...until it wasn't. Next time around I probably should go for the Ubiquity--it seems those are top end products. But, that one is double what I just spent.

Tried uninstalling & reinstalling mainsail & moonraker. No joy. I'll have to back up my config folder, gcodes folder, and history database & just do a full reinstall. 😞

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  • 1 month later...

Back on this. Life has been getting in the way as has frustration. I have a new SD card which has taken the basic install and I can SSH in now. I guess I'll have a spare Pi--I thought I cracked the current one & ordered a new one. Seems like two SD cards both failed on me. Anyway, I have the OS installed, KIAUH installed, and got Klipper, Moonraker, and Fluidd installed. However no web interface; it just throws a connection refused error. I dug around in SSH and found the moonraker.log and klippy.log  files. I resolved a few issues, but am now stuck with this error:

SSL Certificate/Key not configured, aborting HTTPS Server startup

Any ideas how to resolve this? I imaged the new card exactly like I have in the past (Imager retains the settings, so no changes from before).

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OMG. On a hunch I checked in KIAUH again. I installed Fluidd but not Mainsail because I intend to use the Fluidd interface. Welp, you apparently must have Mainsail installed regardless. So then back to Klippy not connected; Mainsail provides a helpful error message and following that up with some Google searching I found I now need "klippy_uds_address: /home/pi/printer_data/comms/klippy.sock" under the [server] section in moonraker.conf. NOW I'm on to some macro errors, but that's easier to troubleshoot.

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7 hours ago, claudermilk said:

Progress, but not quite there yet. I have to figure out why the setup for the Pi as a secondary MCU is failing. I probably just need to redo the menuconfig process. At least I have a web interface though.

I'm sure you had a look at this. Maybe as you said you need to reconfigure through menuconfig and set the "Linux Process" again. Sure you'll get it figured.

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It homed! We're back in business!

I re-did the Klipper RPI microcontroller part and added the activate SPI step. Klipper connected! Moonraker still threw this error message:



[update_manager mobileraker]: Moonraker is not permitted to restart service 'mobileraker'. To enable management of this service add mobileraker to the bottom of the file /home/pi/printer_data/moonraker.asvc. To disable management for this service set 'is_system_service: False' in the configuration for this section.
[update_manager Spoolman]: Moonraker is not permitted to restart service 'Spoolman'. To enable management of this service add Spoolman to the bottom of the file /home/pi/printer_data/moonraker.asvc. To disable management for this service set 'is_system_service: False' in the configuration for this section.


I'm not sure why that's an issue now. It threw it even after I double cheked the moonraker.asvc file; it had "mobilerakerSpoolman" on the last line with a blank before, so I fixed that so no blanks & separate lines. Still the error, so I added the is_system_service line to each update manager entry and no more error message. Not sure if that's a permanent solution, but everything is happy for now. I can print again. 😁

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