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Mod upgrade Blues..


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Sadly, this upgrade has been a night mare, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.

First, I realized that the CanBus board won't fit into the Steathbuners front piece, fine get the cutter out and modify the piece to make it fit.. can't print it now since I just ripped out all the cables. Installed the Rapido hot end in, the newly printed bottom pieces yay a win. Solder the pre crimped wire to the temp sensor. next redo all the chains, reroute all the other wire and the CanBus wire, rezip all the wires.  The connector for the tap I cut the wrong end off, I'm like ok I will just re crimp it, oh look at of the 10 different JST connectors I have, I don't have this one. so, I have to magically hold in the wrong one and hope it makes a connection...

Checking the toolhead for the Tap and its wobbling and the more I move the more it wobbles.  I think my Chaotic Tap I got was a lemon, I didn't even get to print it was already wobbling from side to side the screws came loose for the Rail, I took it a part and retightened those screws and added lock tight.

I put it all back together move the Tool head around Yay it seem to be better, aOh! I just realized the end stop won't work whit the chaotic tap, and realize I need to add a switch to the tool head body Great! 

Take it all apart again... sigh this feels like it the 4th time doing this... I get the switch in solder shrink tube wire and crimps, plug it.. screw it in and one of the screws instantly stripes sigh, rebuild the toolhead...

Finally it was done on to flashing the board, everything seams good get through the first few parts all's good then I get to put the jumper on plug the cable in.

cd ~/CanBoot/scripts

python3 flash_can.py -i can0 -q

and I can't seem to get past this part..  I can't move on because it won't give me the ID to flash the next part 

I gone over all the step like four times still can't get past this part...  and I not sure what to do I have been working on this for the last few days, and I want to cry...


Voron 2.4 Formbot kit, Manta MP8/CB1, BTT EB2209 Canbus, Chaoticlabs Tap, LGX Lite Extruder, Rapido Hotend,





Edited by Chuck_Snow
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Have you setup your can0 interface:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0
allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
  bitrate 1000000
  up ifconfig $IFACE txqueuelen 1024

I used this guide with success on both the canbus installs.

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I documented all of it so when I get it working it can be used as a Guide.. so that others don't have to go through the suffering that I have

This is the procedure we follow for getting CANBUS working on the Manta MP8 v1.1s/CB1:

  1. Mainboard flashing BTT Manta M8P with CB1 v1.1 
  2. Flash CanBoot
  3. Klipper Config uses USB-CAN-Bridge
  4. Install Klipper 
  5. Toolhead Flashing BTT SB2209 CanBus
  6. Installing CanBOOT
  7. CanBOOT Config
  8. Installing Klipper
  9. Retrive the two UUID's for your config
  10. Add the configuration of this motherboard in the "printer. cfg" file:
  11. Configure interface.d
[include sample-bigtreetech-ebb-sb-canbus-v1.0.cfg]
canbus_uuid: f7ee535c8aa0

Enter the correct ID (USB serial or canbus).

## sample-bigtreetech-ebb-sb-canbus-v1.0.cfg
[mcu EBBCan]
#serial /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_firmware_12345-if00
canbus_uuid: 1e0d36d3d925


I forgot this part for the CanBus network

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0

copy this

allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
 bitrate 1000000
 up ifconfig $IFACE txqueuelen 1024

Hit Q and Y to save

sudo reboot



Entering DFU Mode

  1. Connect the USB cable from the CB1/Pi and insert the 5V Jumper
  2. Press and hold the RESET and BOOT buttons down
  3. Release RESET button
  4. Release BOOT button
  5. The device should now be in DFU mode. Verify this via the lsusb command, which should look something like this:
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0483:df11 STMicroelectronics STM Device in DFU Mode

Wire up the CAN bus using a twisted pair between the manta and your other boards.
See the Manta M8P v1.1 pinout on page 11 of the manual.

The M8P V1.1 has two identical CAN ports that are [ CAN-L, CAN-H ], [ CAN-L, CAN-H ]

Pins: L (PD12) / H (PD13)

Wire the power  Directly to the power supply 24v
Make sure to verify that you have 120ohm resistors terminating the bus, and that your other boards

are flashed for CANBUS communication at the same speed (1000000)
NOTE: when using CANBus you need to use a Jumper on the 120R Jumper on the SB2209 (and the Mainboard M8P)

Configure the module's specific functions according to your parts, and needs






https://github.com/Esoterical/voron_canbus  A very well documented github this was a life saver!!!



Edited by Chuck_Snow
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Mainboard flashing BTT Manta M8P with CB1 v1.1

enter DFU Mode on the mainboard  Boot Reset

cd ~/CanBoot
make menuconfig

CanBOOT Config (note this just uses the default USB communication interface)


dfu-util -l


dfu-util -R -a 0 -s 0x08000000:force:mass-erase:leave -D ~/CanBoot/out/canboot.bin -d 0483:df11


CanBoot is Now flashed, Flashing klipper via CanBOOT will be covered shortly.

cd ~/klipper/
make menuconfig

Klipper Config uses USB-CAN-Bridge


make clean

If you have CanBOOT installed

ls /dev/serial/by-id/


Run this command to install klipper firmware via canboot via USB. Use the device ID you just retrieved in the above ls command.

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-CanBoot_stm32g0b1xx_52002D000D504B4633373520-if00


If you are running a stock bootloader and flashing via SD card INSTEAD of CanBOOT

Simply follow the mainboard user manual to copy the ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin file to an SD card (renaming it if needed) and flash the mainboard as per user manual.

If you are flashing via DFU mode (no CanBOOT or stock bootloader)

Then simply run the following commands to change to the klipper directory then flash the mainboard.

cd ~/klipper
make flash FLASH_DEVICE=0483:df11

where the FLASH_DEVICE ID is the address of the USB device

Klipper is now installed

This should have now installed klipper firmware to your mainboard. You can verify by running lsusb and you should see a "Geschwister Schneider CAN adapter" or similar device.


You can also check by running an 'interface config' command ifconfig. If the USB-CAN-Bridge klipper is up and happy (and you have created the can0 file mentioned in the main page) then you will see a can0 interface:


You can now run the Klipper canbus query to retrieve the canbus_uuid of your mainboard:

~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/scripts/canbus_query.py can0


Use this UUID in the [mcu] section of your printer.cfg in order for Klipper (on Pi) to connect to the mainboard.

Toolhead Flashing BTT SB2209 CanBus

As mentioned in the main guide, you can either use CanBOOT on your toolhead to facilitate flashing over CAN, or you can go without and have the board boot straight into klipper.

Installing CanBOOT

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Arksine/CanBoot

To configure the CanBoot firmware, run these commands to change into the CanBoot directory and then modify the firmware menu:

cd ~/CanBoot
make menuconfig

You want the Processor, Clock Reference, and Application Start offset to be set as per whatever board you are running. Make sure "Communication Interface" is set to "CAN bus" with the appropriate pins for your board. Also make sure the "Support bootloader entry on rapid double click of reset button" is marked. It makes it so a double press of the reset button will force the board into CanBOOT mode. Makes re-flashing after a mistake a lot easier.

CanBOOT Config


make clean

To flash, connect your toolhead board to the Pi via USB then put the toolhead board into DFU/BOOT mode (your toolhead board user manual should have instructions on doing this).

STM32 based board:

To confirm it's in DFU mode you can run the command dfu-util -l and it will show any devices connected to your Pi in DFU mode.

dfu-util -R -a 0 -s 0x08000000:force:mass-erase:leave -D ~/CanBoot/out/canboot.bin -d 0483:df11


CanBOOT is now installed

CanBOOT should now be successfully flashed. Take your toolhead out of DFU mode (it might require removing jumpers and rebooting, or just rebooting).

Wire up your toolhead power (24v and gnd) and CAN (CANH/CANL) wires, then the following command to see if the toolhead board is on the CAN network and waiting in CanBOOT mode

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -i can0 -q

You should see a "Detected UUID" with "Application: CanBoot"


If you see the above, take note of the UUID and move on to flashing Klipper to the toolhead board.

Installing Klipper

cd ~/klipper/
make menuconfig

Klipper when using CanBoot


make clean

If you have CanBOOT installed

Run a

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -i can0 -q

and take note of the CanBoot device that it shows:


Then run the following command to install klipper firmware via CanBOOT. Use the UUID you just retrieved in the above query.

where the "-u" ID is what you found from the "flash_can.py -i can0 -q" query.

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -i can0 -u 1e0d36d3d925-f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin


One the flash has been completed you can run the

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -i can0 -q

command again. This time you should see the same UUID but with "Application: Klipper" instead of "Application: CanBoot"


If you don't have CanBOOT installed

Then simply run the following commands to change to the klipper directory then flash the toolhead board.

cd ~/klipper
make flash FLASH_DEVICE=0483:df11

where the FLASH_DEVICE ID is the address of the USB device you noted down above.

Klipper is now installed

You can now run the Klipper canbus query to retrieve the canbus_uuid of your toolhead board:

~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/scripts/canbus_query.py can0





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What you posted above shows a successful flash.

Is your can-board connected to the manta via the canbus port and powered on from the board, and usb cable removed?

If not, Klipper won’t find the UUID of the canbus board.

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13 hours ago, mvdveer said:

What you posted above shows a successful flash.

Is your can-board connected to the manta via the canbus port and powered on from the board, and usb cable removed?

If not, Klipper won’t find the UUID of the canbus board.

Ok all of the Above has been reconfigured and documented I finally got it..  thanks to Esoterica awesome github this site is a wealth of knowledge.

now I just need to configure the .cfg files  since I have an ADC out of range Error but that next to be fixed


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